If you need to change the animation of showing and hiding the modal, you need to override some properties and styles. Default for animating modal windows uses modal-list as the animation name. To override the animation name, you need to specify a new one in the configuration:
import {config} from "jenesius-vue-modal";
animation: "fade" // Any name
When changing the animation, it is necessary to take into account that we must animate both the .modal-container and the modal window itself .modal-item.
For example, let's change the animation and the length of the appearance of the modal window:
Instead of fade, you can use modal-list. In this case, you do not need to redefine the name in the configuration.
/* Don't forget to include the animation time for the start block */
.fade-enter-active .modal-item,
.fade-leave-active .modal-item{
transition: 1.2s;
.fade-enter-from .modal-item,
.fade-leave-to .modal-item{
transform: translateX(100px);