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Event close

Each close hook of a modal accepts one event-close parameter. This object provides information about closing the modal window. It currently has the following properties:

  • background (boolean) Set to true if the modal is closed by clicking on the background.
  • esc (boolean) Set to true if the modal close process started with Escape
    beforeModalClose(e) {
        // e.background
        // e.esc

Handle esc closing

This example demonstrates how to cancel the closing of the modal window on pressing Escape:

const modal = await openModal(SomeComponent);
modal.onclose = (event) => {
    if (event.esc) return false;
    // ...

Handle background closing

This example demonstrates how to cancel the closing of the modal window on clicking on the background (darkened) background:

const modal = await openModal(SomeComponent);
modal.onclose = (event) => {
    if (event.background) return false;
    // ...

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