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Return value from Modal

If we are talking about the return value of modal windows, we must first understand their essence. By default, modal windows are treated as a separate layer of logic with their own data model. This approach is convenient and makes developing a web application with modal windows safe. This library inherits this concept. A modal window is a separate logical level that accepts input parameters and somehow interacts with them. However, there are times when a modal window is just part of a process. I sometimes encounter such cases (although I try my best to avoid them). I will describe the solutions that I use in my projects. Starting with the most convenient, ending with those that I would not use:

Using PromptModal

In vanilla JS, there is a function prompt, which, upon closing the popup, will wrap the entered value.

File ModalCode.vue


	<button @click="handleClick">Click</button>
	import {Modal} from "jenesius-vue-modal";

	export default {
		methods: {
			handleClick() {
				// Current emit will close the modal and provided Meth.random() 
				// result to Promise returned by promptModal
				this.$emit(Modal.EVENT_PROMPT, Math.random());

How to use:

import {promptModal} from "jenesius-vue-modal"

const code = await promptModal(ModalCode);

What happened in this example:

  • promptModal returns a promise that will be fulfilled when closing the modal window. The result of promise will be the value passed to the Modal.EVENT_PROMPT event.
  • To describe the modal window, we implemented a simple pass random value by pressing a button.

Provide Handle

We can also pass a function to be called inside a modal window ( Reminds me of the React component logic):

const modal = await openModal(Modal, {
	handleRequest: (value) => {
		// do something  

And then in the modal:


	export default {
		props: {
			handleRequest: Function
		beforeModalClose() {

Emit value and closing

We can also subscribe to an event and react when it is triggered:

// modal.vue
	<button @click="$emit('return', false)">run</button>

And when we open modal:

const modal = await openModal(Modal)
modal.on('return', (value) => {
	console.log(value); // false

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